Rejection of Mark Kirk in Primary Election

October 24, 2010

Your endorsements

Voice of the People

October 24, 2010



Editor’s note: The Tribune has endorsed Mark Kirk for senator. Now readers get their turn. Here are some of your endorsements.

Rejecting Kirk

From the time I was old enough to vote until today’s status as a senior citizen, I’ve never deviated from voting a straight Republican ticket in every general election. I refuse to cast my vote for Mark Kirk, who for 10 years has been my congressman.

Kirk felt the need to reinvent his background through exaggerated claims of his past accomplishments; this tells me that Kirk is not trustworthy and will continue to fudge the truth for his own personal gain.

It is also of concern that Kirk has repeatedly said in news media interviews that he is an independent who is proud of his past record of compromise and of being able to work across the aisle. Is it really beneficial to the Republican Party to elect a senator who marches to his own drummer and who is not committed to working with fellow Republicans senators to reverse the leftward trend of this nation during the past two years under the Obama administration and a Democratic Congress?

I am willing to see Alexi Giannoulias win his bid for the Senate in the hope that in six years a Republican candidate with character and who believes in Republican values and principles will be able to unseat Giannoulias.

— Nancy J. Thorner, Lake Bluff

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