I would like to differ with a Daily Herald commentary published on Sunday, Oct. 25 by Froma Harrop in which she called the crusade against marijuana ill-conceived. Harrop believes that by ending the ban on pot gangs will go away. She also assumes that the illicit profits earned by those dealing in drugs will instead result in billions of dollars in tax revenues for states where marijuana is a controlled substance.

Chicago was classified in 2009 as a high intensity drug trafficking area by the Office of National Drug Control Policy in Washington, D.C. As such Chicago serves as the major transportation hub and distribution center for the retail sale of cocaine, heroin and marijuana throughout the Midwest and ranks second only to Los Angeles County in California, a state that has legalized the use of marijuana as medicine and where marijuana use has greatly increased since its legalization.

Many Americans see no harm in legalizing cannabis. Last May the Illinois Senate narrowly passed SB1381 to legalize marijuana as medicine. Should the House follow through it would make Illinois the 14th state to allow the medical use of marijuana. Recently the U.S. Justice Department gave marijuana a nod of approval by announcing that it would ease up on prosecutions for medical marijuana.

But does the legalization of marijuana as medicine really make sense? There is already a synthetic drug on the market called Maritol which contains all the active ingredients in marijuana to target pain without smoking the marijuana weed.

Dispensaries in states which distribute marijuana are magnets for crime and violence. And where are the safeguards to protect patients from drug abuse absent recommended prescribed dosage levels for illnesses or symptom? Lastly, shouldn’t medical doctors and scientists, not legislators, decide if marijuana is medicine?

Critical to the discussion of marijuana is that marijuana is the entry level drug of choice for many young people, which often leads to drugs with a bigger bang for the buck. Research shows that the earlier children start using marijuana, the more likely they will go on to experiment with cocaine and heroin. Short-term effects on teens who smoke marijuana include problems with memory and learning, distorted perception, trouble with thinking and problem solving, loss of motor coordination and an increased heart rate. As adults, teens who smoke marijuana risk possible cancer, a potential to develop breathing problems and lung infections and the possible impairment of their immune systems.

Thousands in the military risk their lives to stop drug lords and eradicate drugs in South America and the Middle East. As long as the drug lords are allowed to roam at will here in Illinois and across the nation (Massive marijuana-growing operations were discovered in two Cook County forest preserves in the past two years with no major arrests), people will continue to die every hour of every day from drug lords, to the growers, to the shippers, to the pushers on corners and the users.


A Republican Kirk defector

November 29, 2009

Just who is Patrick Hughes?  He’s a successful businessman and family man who upon reaching his 40th birthday in January of this year decided that the next half of his life would all about service.  With this in mind, Patrick Hughes is campaigning throughout the state as a viable challenger to Mark Kirk’s senate bid.

As a fiscal conservative Hughes believes in limited government and lower taxes.  The $11 billion deficit in Illinois reeks of irresponsibility and the failure of the Democrat’s tax and spend policies.

As a strong supporter of the military Hughes is not afraid of calling the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan what they really are: wars against terrorism.

As a senate candidate Patrick Hughes considers Mark Kirk a patriot and honors his service in the military.  Unlike Kirk who made a speech on the House floor against the Iraq war surge when the war was not going well, Hughes would have supported the Petraeus Iraq surge, as he does the present Afghanistan surge request of 40,000 additional troops by General McChrystal.

On these issues there is a huge gap between Patrick Hughes and Mark Kirk.

  • Hughes is pro-life while Kirk is pro-choice.
  • Kirk even supports the hideous procedure of partial birth abortion, putting him to the left of most Democrats.
  • Kirk opposes parental notification.  Hughes supports it.
  • Hughes, unlike Kirk, believes in the traditional definition of marriage between one man and one woman.
  • Hughes believes that gun bans are unconstitutional.  Kirk has received the lowest rating possible from the NRA — an F MINUS!
  • Hughes believes in drilling for oil in ANWAR and off the Pacific coast and in nuclear energy. Kirk has not been clear as to what he believes, but he is beholden to environmentalists and companies investing in “green” energy for financial support.

As a Reagan conservative Hughes believes he can stimulate the 21st Century version of the Reagan Revolution here in Illinois.  Like Reagan, Hughes is a common sense candidate who can inspire, lead and be counted upon to listen to his constituents.

Although Hughes is pro-life, he will not make it the centerpiece of his campaign, but it does serve as a guide to Hughes’ moral compass.

There is a clear choice for Republicans in the upcoming February, 2010 Primary Elections.  It is between the Republican Party of Ronald Reagan or that of Olympia Snowe and Arlen Specter.

I have made my choice.  It was an easy one to make as I am a 10th District constituent of Kirk, even though I know my decision will not please many of my fellow Republicans.

It is up to Illinois Republicans voters to decide whether they want a senator who is supported and financed by Illinois party officials and leaders or one who is in tune with rank and file state Republicans.

Recently the IPI, a Chicago-based nonpartisan research organization which produces thoughtful innovative solutions to the challenges facing Illinois, issued a report on Pelosi’s health insurance reform:  Adding insult to Injury.

The IPI report really does add insult to injury!  It relates how Pelosi’s health insurance reform would increase federal government health expenditures by an estimated $1.0 trillion over 10 years, making health care spending 5.6% higher than it would have been otherwise by 2019 and causing the U.S. economic growth to shrink by 4.9%, with a job loss nationally of 3.9 million.

But what would be the consequences on Pelosi care for Illinoisans by 2019?

  • The state economy shrinking by 5.1%.
  • Job losses amounting to 169,000.
  • A massive financial burden of $4,418 on every person in the state.

According to a Bureau of Labor Statistics Unemployment Report for October, Illinois ranked 41st at 11.0%, tied with North Carolina, with Michigan standing last at 15.1%.  With 11% unemployment, can Illinois afford to lose more jobs due to expensive and ineffective health care legislation when Democrat tax and spend policies continue to chase people and businesses out of Illinois?

The Illinois Policy Institute believes in a patient-centered health care approach which would give Americans individual control over their health care decisions.

Do Illinoisans really want a government-centered health plan that would do nothing to address health care costs, but which would amount to a higher financial burden, more unemployment and questionable health care coverage for all.

Media boycotts ClimateGate

November 27, 2009

On Friday, November 20th computer hackers obtained 1,079 emails and 72 documents from the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia in England, the global leader in the field, which exposed junk science among climate-change believers.

The hacked emails pointed to “baloney” practices by leading climatologists to fit or manipulate data to support the case for man-made climate change.

Other hacked email allegations included:

  • Dismissal of work by scientists challenging global warming with efforts to prevent publication of research.
  • How to dodge Freedom of Information requests.
  • Possible illegal destruction of embarrassing information.
  • Organized resistance to disclosure.
  • Private admissions of flaws in their global warming public claims.

The revelation of this fudged science should reduce the global-waring hysteria propagated by Al Gore types and efforts by Congress to address the unproven through Cap and Trade legislation.

But will it make a difference?  ClimateGate, possibly the greatest scandal in modern science, has been all but ignored by TV News Outlets, with the exception of Fox.  Chicagoland newspapers have likewise been actively boycotting this growing controversy.  The denial even extends into Obama’s White House where Climate Czar Carol Browner recently dismisssed the hacked email allegations claiming that  “science is settled.”

According to climatologist Chip Knappenberger, the climate change legislation passed by the House calling for a 17% reduction
of U.S. emissions from 2005 levels by 2020 and the stalled Senate version calling for a 20% cut, would moderate temperatures no more than two-tenths of a degree by the end of the century.

Regarding its economic impact, a Heritage Foundation report estimated that Cap and Trade legislation would make the U.S. $9.4 trillion poorer by 2035.  That’s a lot of lost capital with virtually no climate impact, except a lot less cash in our pocketbooks!

The American people have a right to be concerned about President Obama’s attendance at The Copenhagen Global Warming Conference
where he’s offer to cut U.S. emissions in the range of 17% from 2005 levels by 2020.

Jim Dodge scores again!

November 24, 2009

Featured as guest on Champion News Radio for the entire hour on Sunday, November 22, was Jim Dodge of Orland Park, a candidate for Comptroller. This was Dodge’s second guest appearance.  His initial appearance was shortly after announcing his candidacy back in August.

Hearing Jim Dodge interact with John Biver, Doug Ibendahl and Jack Roser on Sunday, November 22, only strengthened my conviction of having responded fairly and accurately when I wrote a mea culpa explaining why I had changed my support to Jim Dodge after having written prior commentaries and blog posting advancing the Comptroller candidacy of William Kelly.  My commentary, A mea culpa over my Comptroller endorsement, was posted at Championnews.net on Wednesday, November 11.

As a holder of a Bachelor of Science in Psychology — Honors Program from DePaul University — Jim Dodge could rightly comment to Champion News Radio listeners that “lots of under thinking is going on.”  Having attained an MBA from the University of Chicago, with concentrations in Finance and Economics, also gave Hughes the credibility to remark that “Illinois has a money problem.”

Like many Illinoisans, the job of Comptroller was somewhat of a mystery to me.  This mystery was cleared up during the course of the radio show.  A simple explanation is as follows:  A Comptroller assumes the position of an auditor.  His job is to certify the revenues coming in, while the treasurer issues the checks.

Given this job description, a Comptroller must exhibit a voice of sanity and reason with questions such as:  Why is the state spending so much money for things that don’t work?  Why does the state have $3 billion in unpaid bills at the present time?

A Comptroller must also be able to level with the people.  This requires being honest and candid with Illinoisans about the state’s financial problems.  Presently there is zero financial discipline in the state.  Although information is available on line about state income and expenses, Jim Dodge reported that its format is complicated and difficult to understand.

Jim Dodge is confident, if elected Comptroller, that he can be honest and candid about the state’s financial problem. As one of ten states facing a financial crisis, Dodge thinks of the Comptroller’s job as a math problem.  It is impossible to spend more than is coming in without facing a financial crisis.  As Comptroller Dodge could do the math.

Jack Roser’s unconditional support of Jim Dodge is based, in part, on Dodge’s MBA from the University of Chicago.  In Roser’s words:  “Never before has there been a state Comptroller candidate who is as qualified for the job as Jim Dodge.  He is a clean person, qualified by education, who can explain to the folk of Illinois how empty the Illinois wallet it.”

As in every campaign, Internet rumors are being spread to discredit Dodge.  One is that he gave a donation to Democrat Dan McLaughlin, Mayor of Orland Park.  As explained by Dodge, in Orland Park, as in Lake Bluff where I live, candidates do not announce their parties when running for office.  Even so, voters in Orland Park know where candidates stand politically.  Dodge was known as a Republican; Dan McLaughlin as a Democrat.  Orland Park voters liked both Dodge and McLaughlin and elected both in a non-partisan race

Now serving his sixth term on the Orland Park Board of Trustees as a Republican, Dodge works well with Democrat mayor Dan McLaughlin, whom he considers a conservative Democrat. Jim Dodge admits having given a donation to Dan McLaughlin, but this was his one and only Democrat campaign donation.  Dodge has given donations to a number of Republican candidates over the years, even to Judy Topinka, also running for Comptroller, as a loyal Republican.

In attesting to McLaughlin’s conservative Democrat leanings, Dodge spoke about video gambling that was pushed through the House by Tom Cross and how it is bad economic and social policy.  Orland Park wants to ban video gambling.  The ban is supported by Mayor McLaughlin.

Will  Illinois voters chose new fresh candidates or clunkers?  A recent visit to Illinois by Michael Steele, Chair of the National Republican Party, seems to point in another direction.  While in Illinois Steele met with GOP officials and party leaders on how to fix the Illinois Republican Party.  In a private, backroom meeting with individuals who do not represent the future of the Illinois Republican Party, and who have lost the image of what the party stands for, retreads candidates were presented as those who could most likely win.

Winning means everything to these misguided individuals, even though they were in charge of the Republican party in past years and have made a big mess of things.  Republicans have been chased out of all the big jobs in Illinois and have lost both the House and the Senate.  The Republican brand is dead in Illinois, yet retreads like Kirk, McKenna, Topinka, and Beth Coulson in my 10th Congressional District are being advanced, because it is thought they can win, to represent the face of the Republican Party.

With races for some state-wide offices still up for grabs, there is one race in which there is a clear choice — Jim Dodge for Comptroller.  It is an important Constitutional office and needed is an adult in the room.  Judy Barr Topinka cannot be given a clear shot to victory.  This may be the outcome if William Kelly becomes a party spoiler in the Feb., 2010 Primary Elections by refusing to do the honorable thing  by withdrawing from his Comptroller candidacy and supporting Jim Dodge.  Kelly would do well in asking of himself:  “What qualifies me for the comptroller position?”

There is a person with stellar credentials for Comptroller in Jim Dodge.  Now people need to open up their wallets, for campaigns are money games in many ways.  It is a given that big money will be available to Democrats in a concerted effort to keep all state offices under their control.

Hopefully Illinois voters have captured some of the desire for change seen nationwide and will reject the tired retread candidates in favor of those like Jim Dodge who will bring reform and a new direction to the Illinois Republican Party and the state of Illinois

With a UN Summit scheduled in Copenhagen from December 7 – 18 to craft an international deal to stop global warming, the Senate recently came up with its own version of the 1,427-page Waxman-Markey Climate Change House bill passed back in June of this year (H.R. 2434) — the Boxer-Kerry Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act (S. 1733) — in advance of the summit.

The key provision of both bills is a Cap-and-Trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, most notably carbon dioxide, 83% below 2005 levels by the year 2050.  An analysis of the Waxman-Markey House bill on August 19 by the Heritage Foundation reported how Americans living in Illinois between 2012 and 2035 would see electricity prices increase by $844.43, gasoline prices rise by $1.30 per gallon, with job loses increasing to 114,087 in 2035,  resulting in falling household incomes and economic activity.

Why these stark predictions for Illinoisans?   Because 85% of this nation’s energy comes from carbon-emitting fossil fuels (coal and oil), which would amount to a significant tax on energy use.  Illinois depends on coal for much of its energy needs.

Shouldn’t legislation that would amount to the largest tax increase ever upon the American people yield results?   Instead, Cap and Trade would do nothing to stop climate change.  Consider these facts:

  • Climate has been changing on its own for centuries.  It was warmer 6,000 years ago.
  • Profession Plimer, geologist from Adelaide University, argues that CO2 increased during many of the earth’s cooling periods, discounting the connection between global warming and CO2.
  • Climatologist Chip Knappenberger, reported that climate change legislation under consideration would moderate temperatures no more than two-tenths of a degree by the end of the century.
  • According to Dr. Craig Loehle, principle scientist with the National Council for air and Steam Improvement, ice core and other data show that CO2 doesn’t lead but lags behind by hundreds of years.
  • CO2 is necessary for plant life.  Humans exhale CO2.  Water vapor is the most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.
  • There has been a one-track $89 billion gravy train since 1989 of federal government grants to produce studies favorable to man made global warming.
  • Neither China or India are interested in jeopardizing its economic growth with emission caps.

As there is strong evidence that Cap and Trade legislation will hurt the U.S. economy and not halt climate change — Heritage estimates that the House bill would make the U.S. $9.4 trillion poorer by 2035 — why the push by the Obama administration and Congress?

Global warming mongering has little to do with scientific evidence.  Thousands of scientists world-wide have expressed skepticism, but most of this dissent has been silenced by those like Al Gore who say the science is settled.  It has all to do with money, careers, prestige and this government’s quest for power and control over its citizens.

Chicago’s Heartland Institute will be hosting its fourth international conference in Chicago on climate change in May of 2010.  You will not want to miss this event to hear the truth about man made global warming.  The propaganda spewing froth from the media and by those seeking power and financial gain at the expense of the American people can not be allowed to win the debate

The Healthcare Fiasco

November 22, 2009

Two competing versions of health reform will soon face weeks and even months of wrangling in a process call reconciliation by the House and Senate to fashion one bill which can be signed by President Obama.

According to a recent Rasmussen poll, support for the health care plan working its way through Congress is up to 47%, but 49% oppose it.

If you are one of the 47% who support Obamacare, perhaps you are unaware of the provisions being proposed under the guise of health care reform.

  • The $400 billion cut in Medicare.
  • The inevitable scarcity of doctors and nurses resulting from the addition of 35 million new patients.
  • The fine on the uninsured of 2.5% of their income if they don’t by insurance.
  • The high cost of these mandatory insurance policies ($15,000 per family).
  • The low level of subsidy available for the uninsured and only after they pay 8-1/2% of their incomes.
  • The likelihood of a $1,700 increase in the average family’s premiums.
  • The possibility of up to five years in prison for failing to buy insurance or pay the fine.  Confirmed by Speaker Pelosi on KOMO News in Seattle.

Does this sound like a good deal to you?

Our health care system has problems which can be fixed through free market principles, but why destroy the finest healthcare system in the world by throwing the baby out with the bath water and allowing the inefficiency of government to seize control and deny free choice to the American people?

Is Obama’s Honeymoon Over?

November 22, 2009

With the state of the economy and job losses front and center in the minds of the American people, many are finally realizing that promises made by Obama were just promises without substance.  Might the Obama honeymoon be over?

President Obama sold his $787 billion stimulus by promising that unemployment would never rise above 7.8%, yet the economy shed another 190,000 jobs in October, bringing the number of jobs lost since Obama was sworn in to 3.8 million.  Unemployment now stands at 10.2%, the highest in 26 years.

For once the press exhibited skepticism when the Obama administration recently issued a report claiming that the $787 billion stimulus bill had saved or created 640,329 jobs.  Even discounting the fuzzy math, 640,329 jobs saved or created pales to the 3.8 million lost since Obama became president.

At a time when Congress and the Obama administration should be zeroing in on job creation, it is instead frittering away its time and efforts on a health care plan containing employer mandates that would put 5.1 low wage workers at risk of unemployment and a “Cap and Trade” bill that would kill millions of jobs.

How long will it take for the Obama administration to realize that its policies are job killing initiatives while millions of Americans remain jobless.?

Illinoisans do have a chance on Tuesday, Feb. 2nd to put their state on a path that will bring economic discipline, openness, and honesty to government.  The same is true for people across this nation on Tuesday, November 2nd.

The ballot box is a powerful tool, but voters must provide it with the data necessary to bring about the type of change that will produce positive results for the American people.



Every year I look forward to attending Lake Bluff’s Veterans Day celebration enhanced by its lovely setting on Lake Bluff’s Village Green.  This year’s gathering seemed like a record one to me, a gathering which included Lake Bluff Middle School students.  It mattered not to me that the program format was not unlike prior Lake Bluff Veterans Day ceremonies.  The spirit of the day was once again brought home to me, as I’m sure it was for all who took the time to gather on a perfect November morning to honor veterans both past and present.


Beaming and with great pride Rudy Iberle, Commander of Post 510, as he has done in past years, served as Master of Ceremonies.  His initial uplifting words were perfect for the day:
“Today we pause to honor America’s brave service men and women, who have served and sometimes given their lives in defense of freedom.  These veterans, service men and women may hot have understood all of the politics and complexities of war, nor the full extent of their role in it, but they knew that justice was being served.  Some were decorated with this country’s highest military awards, and some were not; but they all deserve the tribute that we render to them today.”

Having played myself in bands and orchestras, I was appreciative of the patriotic music performed by the Lake Forest High School Band under Janene Kessler prior to the ceremeny.

A Veteran’s Day celebration wouldn’t be complete without the singing of the “Star Spangled Banner” and “America the Beautiful.” This year Lake Forest High School students Janene Kessler and Natalie Blahunka, respectively, did the honors accompanied by the LFHSB.

It is always refreshing to see young people participating in such a solemn day.  I was impressed by the young men in Lake Bluff Scout Troop 42 who did an admirable job in “Raising the Colors.”  Scout Michael Kock took his duties very seriously, as he presided over the attaching of the flag, after which it was hoisted up the flag pole where it remained to watch over the occasion as an ever present symbol of this great nation.

Maddie Wells, Student Council President of Lake Bluff Middle School, also deserves recognition for her recitation of what has become a Veterans Day favorite, Abraham Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address.”

Colonel Mariano C. Campos, United States Air Force and Commander of the U.S. Military Entrance Processing Command, was invited back this year as guest speaker.  Colonel Campos related how less than 2% of this nation’s population are involved in the defense of this country, either serving in active duty or in the reserves or National Guard.

These words by Colonel Campos were especially meaningful to me:  “Freedom began as an idea.  It was transferred into reality by men and women who answered the call throughout the years to serve their county so freedom could survive for its people.”

The Veterans Roll Call is always a stirring time for me as a stark reminder of those who gave the ultimate in service to their country.  As Senator Susan Garrett related:  “Ever since there was a Lake Bluff, husbands, brothers, and sons of Lake Bluff families have laid down their lives at the nation’s call to defend our freedoms”  Senator Susan Garrett and Rep. Karen May presented the roll call:  Civil War fatalities from Lake Bluff numbered four; World war I fatalities two, WWII claimed six lives; and the Vietnam War two.  Garrett stated that in all 18 men from Lake County have died in combat since the current U.S. involvement in Iraq starting in 2003.

Always impressive are the riffle volleys rendered to our fallen comrades.  Once again they were performed with precision and aplomb by the USMC Marine Air Control Group 48 Rifle Squad from Great Lakes.  Lake Bluff is so fortunate to have Great Lakes at its back door.

The laying of the wreath at Lake Bluff’s Veteran’s Memorial concluded Lake Bluff’s 2009 Veterans Day Ceremony, but it would be a serious and unforgiveable omission if I did not mention the proud veterans of Post 510 who attended the ceremony.  Although most were up in age and seated in chairs to observe the ceremony, I could only imagine the stories that might have to tell me.  Even without knowing their war backgrounds, I could sense their pride in having served their county.  They were being honored, as they should be honored on Veterans Day, but this pride and salute of veterans must continue throughout the year.  We owe our veterans so very much as a grateful nation and a grateful people.

Thanks again for another inspirational Veterans day, Commander Iberle!

Many thank also to Tom Tincher, also a veteran, who videotaped the event for Channel 19.

In a race that even now has gained national attention and which would add a senate seat to the Republican side of the aisle, there is not a clear road ahead for 10th District Mark Kirk’s bid to win the Illinois senate seat now held by Democrat Senator Ronald Burris.

Patrick Hughes, a Hinsdale, IL resident who has never before been involved in politics, and who was a commercial litigation attorney before leaving the practice of law to pursue careers as a homebuilder and real estate developer, entered the Illinois senate race in August as a viable candidate.

Hughes reached a critical decision upon reaching his 40th birthday in January of this year.  After having spent the last 15 years starting and running a business, raising a family, and paying off his student loans, Hughes decided that he wanted to dedicate the second part of his life to service.

Patrick Hughes’ first foray into politics was as Chairman of STOP-IT, a taxpayer advocacy group that played a major role in stopping Pat Quinn’s proposed $2.2 billion income tax increases for Illinoisans.

It was Mark Kirk’s “yes” vote on Cap and Trade (My own dissatisfaction was noted in my American Thinker blog posting of June 21 — Betrayed by my Republican Congressman.) which led Patrick Hughes to believe that Mark Kirk was beholden more to special interest groups and Washington insiders than his own 10th District constituents and the people of Illinois.  It was then that Hughes concluded, as a Reagan conservative, that he would have a chance of winning over Mark Kirk.

This was brought home to me recently at an event featuring all seven of the Republican candidates running for Mark Kirk’s 10th District congressional seat. There was unison agreement over Cap and Trade; none would have voted for it.  Might these seven candidates be more in touch with 10th District constituents than was Mark Kirk in his nine plus years as their congressman?  Kirk’s “yes” vote for the largest tax increase in American history still haunts him in campaign appearances, despite his repeated attempts at spin.

Although Hughes respects Kirk’s military service and considers him a patriot, he does have some doubt as to Kirk’s commitment on issues of national security.  Hughes questions whether leadership and military experience always go hand in hand?  A little known event involves a speech Kirk made on the House floor against the Iraq surge.

The fact that the Iraq war was going badly at the time and that Kirk had just come off a tough election with with Democrat opponent Dan Seals, most likely prompted Kirk to look at his political future above that of national security.  Might Kirk by apt to follow the direction of the political winds in future key senate votes?

Mark Kirk is the polar opposite of Patrick Hughes on social issues, which are important to base Republican voters.  Hughes, unlike Kirk, believes in the traditional definition of marriage between one man and one woman.  While Hughes believes that gun bans are unconstitutional, Kirk received the lowest grade possible from the NRA — an F MINUS.

On the divisive issue of abortion Hughes is pro-life, although he will not make his pro-life stance the centerpiece of his campaign.  It is, however, a guide to Hughes’ moral compass.  Kirk not only supports abortion, but also the hideous procedure of partial birth abortion, a position so radical that he’s also to the left of most Democrats.

Mark Kirk is awash with special interest money.  He has a big war chest and is receiving additional financial support and endorsements from IL party leaders who believe that any kind of Republican is better than a Democrat.  It would seem that a tsunami of money is attempting to buy the Illinois senate seat for Mark Kirk.

Kirk’s strategy so far has been to run a controlled TV ad campaign that buries all that might be offensive to Illinois base Republican voters.  The question is whether Patrick Hughes will have either the time or the money before the Illinois Primary Elections on Tuesday, February 2, 2010, to tell voters about himself?

It does seem like Hughes is making inroads with voters.  He already has a large donor base.  Recently I had the opportunity to hear Patrick Hughes speak in front of 40 disaffected Kirk constituents at a private, invitation-only venue in Lake Forest.  This is Kirk territory.  Hughes received a phenomenal reception and overwhelming support.  There is now an active grassroots campaign to promote Hughes’ senate candidacy in Lake Forest and in other nearby communities.

By Primary Election time in February of 2010, Illinois Republican voters will have a clear choice between one who represents the Republican Party of Ronald Reagan or the Republicanism practiced by Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) and defector Arlen Specter of PA.

Patrick Hughes is counting on Republican state-wide dissatisfaction with the status quo to support him as the true standard bearer of the Republican Party.  Mark Kirk is out-of-step with at least half of the commitments outlined in the the 2008 Platform of the Illinois Republican Party, one of them  being:  “To protect the fundamental rights to life and dignity of every human life.”   htt://www.championnews.net/files/ILGOP2008platform.pdf

As a Reagan conservative, Patrick Hughes believes he can be the nexus for the 21st century version of the Reagan Revolution here in Illinois.  Like Reagan, Hughes is a common sense candidate, strong on national defense, who believes in fiscal restraint, lower taxes and smaller government.

Patrick Hughes has the ability to inspire and lead.  He can be counted upon to do the right thing for Illinoisans and for this nation if elected from Illinois to serve as one of its senator in the U.S. senate.

To find out more about Patrick Hughes, check out his website at:  Patrickhughesforsenate.com