By Nancy Thorner – 

In schools across the country, students are not being taught foundational principles such as federalism, checks and balances, and separation of powers. Instead, most students are taught the Constitution is a “living” document that needs to be constantly updated and reinterpreted. Another alarming trend in academia is revisionist history that overemphasizes the darkest chapters in U.S. history while simultaneously downplaying the most positive aspects of our country’s past.

These were the topics discussed Saturday, December 9th at the Heartland Institute, with author Nick Adams promoting the importance of the history and significance of the U.S. Constitution. The event, Helping Students Understand the Constitution, was well received by all age groups present.

Nick Adams, a native Australian, is a best-selling author, a prominent speaker, and a Fox News commentator.  Adams is also the Founder and Executive Director of Foundation for Liberty and American Greatness (FLAG), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and providing high-quality civics education that informs students and families about the greatness of America and the power of the American Dream.  FLAG provide free visits by its representatives to elementary, middle schools and high schools as they work in the belly of the beast to provide comprehensive, authentic civics education that informs students and families about the greatness of America and the power of the American dream.  As to resistance to classroom visits, Nick Adams cited none.

FLAG’s first publication, Student’s Constitution, has been placed in the hands of 20,000 students and teachers throughout the U.S. Thorner recommends the wonderfully illustrated and attractive book to both parents and grandparents for the children in their lives.  It will also give adults a chance to bone up on long forgotten facts about our ConstitutionOrder Student’s Constitution here.

Adams’ passion for America’s roots ignited by battle with childhood cancer

Christopher Talgo, Marketing Coordinator at The Heartland Institute, introduced Nick Adams.

In introducing himself, Nick Adams spoke about how a seed was planted early on in his desire to come to America to live.  It all began at the age of 16 months when Nick was found to be afflicted with stage 4 of a childhood cancer. It was an American doctor who diagnosed Nick’s illness just in the nick of time.  Because of the healing hand of God, Nick lives today.  Nick also credited American exceptionalism for his good fortune.

Elected to office in Australia at the age of 19 and a best-selling author before turning 30, Nick Adams realized his dream when becoming a citizen of the U.S., thus fulfilling his intense desire to make sure America remains where we want it to be.  As Nick described the process, it wasn’t an easy one.  He spent $50,000 in the process.

Nick has dedicated his life to promoting what he believes America offers as a nation.  Nick sees America as the greatest country in the history of the world.  He tells children that the day they were born is the day they won the lottery of life, because it is the only country where a person can fail 5,000 times and then get up again.  How so?  Because failure is not failure, risk is encouraged, and success is admired.

America’s Dominance in World not by Chance

As to this nation’s greatness, Mr. Adams cited how less than 5% of the world’s population lives in America, yet this nation has become dominant in the world.  And it has not happened by chance.  The most brilliant men to ever walk this earth were our Founding Fathers.  The founding documents they produced have helped this nation to remain the Guardian of Liberty the Gate Keeper of Civilization.  Adams offered some thoughts on what the world would look like without this nation’s attributes.  1) Islamist terrorists would act with impunity, 2) Russia would attempt to rebuild the Roman Empire, and 3) individual liberty would become extinct.  For as Adams stated, “When the U.S. is weak, the world is weak.”

Adams offered these thought on political correctness. It is killing this nation as a way of life, a mindset, and a cultural attitude which seeks to determine how we should think to remain in step with what is considered acceptable to think or say.  Political correctness strips individuals of their individualism, causing the American dream to be turned into an European nightmare. In the meantime, there is little will to fight for the preservation of individualism over collectivism; for faith over secularism; and for the rejection of multiculturalism. Is this the future we want for our children?  It was American exceptionalism that set this nation apart from all othe

Australia vs America

As stated earlier on, Nick came to America to make and not to take.  He came to join the fight to save this nation, not to change it.  Most of all, Nick came because this nation is the greatest nation in the world.

In Australia voting is compulsory.  America is the only country where primary elections take place.  Nick spoke of Australia as eating its own and how any successful Aussie moves to the U.S.  Nick sees optimism and enthusiasm as important attributes here in America.  Even so, Nick mused, “America remains the most ridiculed nation in the world.”

As to why the fight for the very soul of this nation remains a difficult one?  It can be attributed to those here among us, thus making the battle much more difficult to win. For the last 60 years there has been a culture war in this nation brought about through lies and the tactics set forth by Sol Alinsky.  In watching tv we are often shocked by what we are now viewing in a culture which now condones that which was not possible even 10 years ago, but is now the norm.

Keeping America Great

American must stop being the punching bag, and fighting back with boldness must begin with the next generation of American leaders.  Several generations of Americans have not been taught what it means to be an American.  This could be evidenced by the hundreds of thousands of Bernie supporters who joined the Bernie Sanders campaign with its Socialist/Communist rhetoric and values.  They have no understanding of the exceptionalism of their nation which began with the amazing documents written by our Founding Fathers.

As noted by Adams, this is a critical time for our nation.  Last July 4th was its 240th birthday   How much longer can this nation survive with its founding ideas and principles still honored and respected?  Most great nation experience decay after 230 to 270 years.  We are right in the kill zone

Until 11 months ago this nation was being led from behind. As such the enemies of this nation are no longer foreign, but are right here among us. The anti-speech movement that is currently sweeping across American college campuses is an appalling example of what can happen when people do not recognize the basic rights protected by the world-changing Founding documents.  Another alarming trend infecting our schools from K through college, is revisionist history that overemphasizes the darkest chapters in U.S. history, while at the same time downplaying the most positive aspects of our country’s past.

Nick Adams chased the American Dream as an  Aussie by coming to America and achieving permanent residency, believing this is the best country in the world to be and the most color blind nation in the world.  As the Founder and Executive Director of FLAG, it is his aim to explain to kids why America is truly an exceptional nation, and why we should celebrate our history and liberties, not be ashamed of them, to remain the greatest nation in the world.  This will require boldness to speak out from places of worship and from the true patriots among us.

As Adams noted in his books, Retaking America and Green Card Warrior, both endorsed by President Donald Trump, “Establishment” equals gate keepers, the Establishment delivers crushing blows to opportunity, and the Establishment serves itself, not America.

Nick Adams’ books can be purchased at Amazon.com and include Retaking AmericaGreen Card Warrior, and The American Boomerag.  His most recent book, published in October of 2017, The Case Against the Establishment with Dave Erickson, makes an irrefutable case that the Establishment is the enemy of the people.

The youtube presentation by Nick Adams on Saturday, December 9, 2017, Helping Students Understand the Constitution, can be viewed here.

Thorner: Ives drumbeat begins to resound among IL conservatives

Sunday night, Republican state Representative Jeanne Ives hosted a sizable crowd of supporters in her hometown of Wheaton. She’s on the 2018 GOP primary ballot challenging incumbent GOP Governor Bruce Rauner. Illinois Review contributor Nancy Thorner was on hand at one of several events Ives has been appearing at over the past few weeks …

By Nancy Thorner –

The Republican Assembly of Lake County, Illinois, held its Christmas party at J & D’s Bar & Grill in Wauconda, IL. on Saturday evening, December 2nd, 2017. The RALC is a grassroots organization made up of Ronald Reagan conservatives who believe in small government, lower taxes, free market capitalism, strong defense, the right to life, and the support of the US. Constitution in the tradition of the Founding Fathers. Attendance at this year’s RALC Christmas party was the largest ever, numbering 85 members and guests.

Bob Bednar, Chairman of the RALC, introduced featured speaker Jeanne Ives, who is running as a conservative Republican challenger to Governor Bruce Rauner. Check out Ives For Illinois.

Meet Jeanne Ives

Jeanne Ives served as a Representative in the Illinois State House (42nd District), which includes all or portions of Wheaton, Warrenville, West Chicago, Winfield, Carol Stream, Lisle and Naperville. Ives was first elected in 2013, until she was “drafted” in the fall of this year by the state’s grassroots Republican base to challenge incumbent Governor Bruce Rauner. While serving in the Illinois House Ives demonstrated not only a willingness to lead on difficult issues and question powerful House leaders, but she also gained an insightful understanding of policy.

As a West Point graduate of the Class of 1987 with a Bachelor of Science in Economics, Jeanne Ives went on to serve in the U.S. Army. Her assignments included platoon leader and headquarters detachment commander for transportation units in Germany and ROTC instructor at Wheaton College. Ives resigned from the Army in 1993 to raise her children, while working as a tax advisor and bookkeeper for small businesses and individuals.

It was on October 28, 2017, that State Rep. Jeanne Ives announced she would challenge incumbent Governor Bruce Rauner. Her running mate is former State Rep. Richard Morthland of Cordova, lllinois. Unlike other candidates who have been collecting signatures since early September, Ives and her choice for lieutenant governor had a late start. Despite this late state, State Rep. Jeanne Ives announced officially Sunday night, December 3, 2017, in an invitation-only gathering in her home district that she would be a candidate for governor in the March 2018 Illinois Republican Party primary. She was introduced to the crowd by her running mate, former State Rep. Rich Morthland from the Rock Island area.

If you still have some doubts or misgivings about Jeanne Ives running on the Republican ticket to unseat Republican governor Bruce Rauner, this article, due for publication at National Review on 2017-12-17, titled “Bruce Rauner’s Illinois Breakdown,” describes Rauner’s unacceptable performance as Illinois’ governor during his first term in office.

“When Governor Bruce Rauner of Illinois announced in October that he would seek reelection in 2018, he released a two-minute campaign video. It shows the Republican wearing blue jeans and a black leather vest as he rides his Harley-Davidson motorcycle from Chicago to Springfield, the state capital. “Four years ago,” he says in a voiceover, “I crisscrossed our state, looked people in the eye, and promised to fight business as usual.

This boast came about a month after Cardinal Blase Cupich accused him of breaking his word and the Chicago Sun-Times put his picture on its front page, below a headline that shouted: “Benedict Rauner.” The governor’s offense was to have signed what may be America’s most radical abortion-funding law after vowing to veto it. The betrayal capped a season of defeats for conservatives, including an income-tax hike, a big bailout of Chicago’s public schools, and turning Illinois into what critics of illegal immigration are calling a sanctuary state.”

Jeanne Ives comments on state of Illinois

Candidate Ives was received with much enthusiasm by RALC members and friends. As Jeanne stated, the catalyst for her gubernatorial challenge was not only Rauner’s signing of a bill to expand taxpayer-funded abortion coverage for women on Medicaid, but also the provision to increase funding to Chicago Public Schools.

When serving in the Illinois General Assembly, Ives fought for school choice and Right for Life. She also opted out of both a taxpayer funded pension and healthcare, as both pension and state group health insurance have greatly contributed to budget pressures and both need reform.

In relation to Governor Rauner, “He has basically discredited himself as a Republican. He’s signed into law very extreme measures. The man who said he had no social agenda ended up having only a social agenda.”

Ives related, when elected to the House in 2013, how both the Illinois House and the Senate had super majorities making it possible for Democrats to pass anything they desired. At the time Ives wondered how things could get any worse than they already were. When Bruce Rauner ran as a reform candidate in 2014, Ives helped to elect Rauner to lead his promised revolt. But instead of Rauner fulfilling his campaign promises, Ives instead experienced betrayal. As Ives said:

“Rauner has basically discredited himself as a Republican. He’s signed into law very extreme measures. The man who said he had no social agenda ended up having only a social agenda, having enacted the same economic and social agenda of his buddy Rahn Emmanuel.”

Ives questioned what we have at the end of three years and listed the negatives as high taxes, more debt, and many people exiting Illinois for a better economic climate. Noted by Ives was new data in the deterioration of Illinois’ tax base. In 2017 Illinois experienced a loss of nearly 42,000 tax returns to other states representing 86,100 individuals at a net loss to Illinois of $4.75 billion in adjusted gross income. Continued Ives: “Because Illinois became a sanctuary state under Governor Rauner, Illinois is less safe.” In what was a huge disappointment to Ives and conservatives state-wide was the signing by Rauner of HB-40 which sanctions tax payer funding of abortions. Instead of reforming our Medicaid system, Gov. Rauner expanded it. Ives further revealed that Illinois ranks 48th in the nation on serving those with developmental disabilities.

As to Governor Rauner being elected to a second term, Jeannie Ives was insistent that Rauner can’t win in the November 2018 General Election, for no amount of money can win back Republicans who feel betrayed by Rauner.

Jeanne Ives as a candidate

In speaking of herself as a former army officer and graduate of West Point, Ives informed her audience that she lives by the West Point Code and that she can be counted on not to lie, cheat, or steal, nor does she tolerate others who do so. In the House, Ives opposed tax increases, big government bailouts, and stood up for conservative values when other House members were not willing to doing to.

Ives then spoke about the work of grassroots Republicans in turning in 16,000 signatures in only four weeks. This included 520 circulators of petitions in 64 counties. Ives noted that where ever she goes in Illinois she receives a warm reception, an indication that voter motivation is high for Ives, in contrast to the rejection of Rauner by Illinois voters.

Campaign promises made by Jeanne Ives

Property taxes would be cut, not frozen. Property taxes in Illinois are out of control. Home owners end up renting from the government.
Spending would be cut. Ives, when serving in the House, did propose and filed bills to cut spending.
On day one a task force would be formed to detect and prosecute public corruption in Illinois. Mention was made by Ives of the corruption in the Cook County Assessment System. Governor Rauner was given the vehicle to lead on this issue, but he didn’t follow through.

In closing, Ives wants Illinois to be a place which our families can call home for many generations to come.

Republican Secretary of State, Joshua Griffin

Following Jeanne Ives, Joshua Griffin spoke about his credentials as a Republican candidate to unseat Jesse White, Secretary of State.

Joshua Griffin expressed his disgust of Illinois in its status as a failed state. Regarding Jesse White, having served a total of 40+ years in public elected office, Jesse represents “the machine” politics which operates within Illinois. As such, said Griffin, we need fresh voices in Springfield and around the state. Voices that will stand up to the establishment every time they attempt to set the status quo back in place. No longer can we allow our elected officials or political parties to dictate the rules and reap self-dignified personal gain from their highly coveted political perches. Joshua Griffin’s impressive bio is noted here.

A native of Chicago, IL, Joshua “J.C.” Griffin was born on the city’s south side and raised in the both the western and southern suburbs of Cook County. is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, and the 4th generation of military serviceman from his family. After a distinguished military service from 2007 – 2012, Griffin achieved the rank of Senior Airman prior to receiving an honorable discharge in 2012. Griffin also holds Impressive business credentials.

RALC Officers

Bob Bednar, Chairman

Glenn Garamoni, Vice-Chair

Mike McKay, Treasurer

Mary Biron, Secretary

Bob Cook, Executive Director

Lake County Legislators and Officials Present at December 2 event:

Adam Solano – Candidate – State House District 62
Jeanne Ives – State Rep. District 42 – Candidate – Governor
John Reinert – McHenry County Board District 2 – Candidate State Senate District 32
Doug Bennett — Candidate US House District 10
Mark Shaw – Lake County Republican Central Committee Chairman
Larry Falbe – Lake County Federation President
Jeri Atleson – Fremont Township Trustee
Tom Weber – Lake County Board – Candidate State Rep. District 64
Marty Zeidman – Moraine Township Republican Chairman
Mark Curran, Lake County Sherriff
Bob Bednar – Candidate for Lake County Board, District 6
Glenn Garamoni – Fremont Township Republican Chairman
Nancy Kubalanza – Grant Township Republican Chairman
Marjorie Kubalanza – Lake County Central Committee Chairwoman
Connie Shanahan – Fremont Township Trustee

The new RALC Meeting location is Fremont Public Library located on 1170 Midlothian Road, Mundelein IL. Meetings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the 3rd Thursday of every month. The next meeting will be on Thursday, January 18th.

Monday, December 11, 2017 at 10:09 AM | Permalink

Live Free Or Die said…

We stand with you Jeanne!
Reply Monday, December 11, 2017 at 04:32 PM
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