
By Nancy Thorner (photos by Mark Weyermuller) – 

Illinois is facing tremendous challenges as corrupt and incompetent leadership is leading many good people to to take flight from this state. It would not be out of line to call what has been going on in Illinois politics for the past 40 years as pure evil. For too long little has been done to stop it.

Common sense does indicate that the righteous anger felt by many conservatives must be channeled into a common mission to fight back against those whose moral values do not reflect our values and for whom financial restraint is not a part of their lexicon.

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Illinois Conservatives United is a coalition or grassroots activists (whether solo or if you lead a group or organization) who desire to join with other grassroots conservative activists throughout Illinois for the purpose of making an impact on key state-wide issues. The coalition’s first key issue is to ensure election integrity to Illinois by forming and training teams from around the state to clean up voter rolls statewide.

This training took place over a two-day event, Strategy 2017: From Outrage to Action, on Friday, August 18 and Saturday, August 19, 2017 in Elmhurst. During the two-day conference many friendships were formed with fellow warriors who can now spur each other on to winning victories for Illinois in 2018.

The Conference officially began on Friday, August 18 with a 12 pm buffet Lunch, during which time participants had an opportunity to check out the seventeen exhibitors. Conference sponsors included Illinois Review, Freedom Works, The Heartland Institute, Illinois Family Action, and American Majority.

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Organizers Jan Shaw, Carol Davis, Jane Carrell – Keynote Speaker C.L. Bryant

Friday Afternoon

The Friday afternoon sessions were devoted to Campaign Support Training led by James Marter, former Candidate, U.S. Senate; Matt Batzel, National Executive Director of American Majority; and Lonnie Leitner, Chief of Staff of American Majority. American Majority has been training conservatives to run and win since 2008 and offers online or in-person training to give leaders and individuals running for office the necessary tools to run winning campaigns all over this nation, whether it be for school board or Congress.

For direct access to the excellent American Majority Friday afternoon presentations containing full transcripts and slides to download showing how to organize and run a winning campaign from start to finish, click on the sites below as provided by Matt Batzel, National Executive Director of American Majority. The sites are invaluable to those who are managing campaigns for Conservatives candidates to replace Republican legislators who have indicated they will not run again after voting with Democrats to increase taxes, as well as those managing campaigns to defeat Democrat incumbents.

To learn more about American Majority’s On-line courses go here.

On how to tell your story in a way that appeals to the head and the heart, to bring about meaningful change in your community and the country watch American Majority’s Youtube Video.

This site can serve as a tremendous Resource page for downloading “Your Campaign and Activism Toolbox” and for “Campaign Resource.”

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Saturday Conference Schedule

The Saturday Conference Schedule was a day-long event starting with a Continental Breakfast between 7:30 and 8:30 p.m., and closing with a Dinner featuring Emily Stack and Rev. C.L. Bryant.   Rev. Bryant is recognized as one of Americas most Dynamic Orators and he is a highly sought after Speaker, Motivator, Activist, Organizer, Gospel Preacher. Bryant is the D.C. Senior Fellow at FreedomWorks.  Rev. Bryant didn’t disappoint as he delivered his words with fiery passion to those assembled eager to hear his message.

Featured early in the Saturday morning session was Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote. True the Vote (TTV) is a conservative vote-monitoring organization based in Houston, Texas whose stated objective is stopping voter fraud. The organization supports voter ID laws and trains volunteers to be election monitors and to spot and bring attention to suspicious voter registrations that its volunteers believe delegitimize voter eligibility.

The organization’s tag line is “If you see something at the polls that just doesn’t seem right, record it.Catherine Engelbrecht is the current president of TTV. Her message was well received given the amount of voter fraud that is happening throughout this nation.

Here in our own state of Illinois, a welcome sign and a way for illegals to vote represents a Leftist ideology that supersedes all else.

While the morning Saturday sessions were all about Election Integrity, the afternoon sessions highlighted

Tools for Activists in getting out their message. Featured speakers were Jim Lakely, Dr. Tim Huelskamp,

The Heartland Institute; James Marter, Matt Batzel, Social Media: How to the the Digital Activist Every Movement Needs ; Carol Davis, “Lightning Round: Solutions”; David Smith, Illinois Family Institute; John Kraft, Edgar County Watchdogs; Heidi Holan, Homeowners Defense Association, Brandi McGuire, Local Government Information Services; Walsh Freedom, Dr. Jordan Peterson, Higher Education (video); and Jim Muratori, Vickie Deppe, Veronica Harrison, Article V Convention of States, about which there exists formidable opposition in going forward with an Article V Convention of States.

Organizers of the Conference

Following are organizers of the second Strategy conference who deserve much praise for all their hard work, time, and effort it took to provide a venue for grassroots activists to join together to avail themselves to the tools that are necessary to fight back against the forces in Illinois, which, left unchallenged, will only mean that Illinois will slip further into the abyss of no return as an officially recognized failed state.

  • Lyn Beets, Northern Illinois Tea Party
  • Jane Carrell, Northern Illinois Tea Party
  • Carol Davis, West Suburban Patriots
  • Linda Iverson, Huntley Tea Party
  • James Marter, Former Candidate, U.S. Senate
  • Loretta Savee, Northern Illinois Tea Party
  • Jan Shaw, West Suburban Patriots
  • David Smith, Illinois Family Action
  • Claire Van Horn, DuPage Tea Party

Exhibitors not aligned with featured speakers

Illinois Review,; Mendrick for Sheriff,; David Shestokas, J.D.Author,; Turning Point U.S.A.,; and Vitual Agora,


By Nancy Thorner & Bonnie O’Neil – 

Has there ever been a time in America’s history when leaders of the losing party plotted and executed a plan to destroy our President even before he officially took office?

The election of President Trump on November 9, 2016, immediately triggered such an unprecedented action, perpetrated by specific powerful Leftists. This was done blatantly and aggressively in plain sight and the perpetrators call their effort “The Resistance.”

If this had been initiated a year after President Trump took office and there were obvious, verifiable reasons for such an effort, it might have some credibility. That is not the case. Instead, this “Resistance” effort began way before Trump was given a chance to prove himself capable of the position. Additionally, the “Resistance” effort is well funded and has the help of many like-minded Leftist groups, Democrat officials, and a willing Leftist national media that thrives on controversy.

Established principles have been abandoned by this “Resistance” and replaced with what some consider treasonous actions intended to destroy our duly elected President. Sadly, the mainstream media appears to be aiding and abetting them.  This is the same media who jealously protected Obama and Hillary, thus it is not a surprise they have chosen to work with the “Resistance” against President Trump. Apparently these people are unconcerned as to the potential harm their nefarious efforts create for our Country. We all may suffer consequences of their unprecedented actions, as they threaten our Constitution, our nation’s reputation, further elections, and America’s future.

Donald J. Trump is a successful businessman, not a career politician, which was one reason many voted for Trump in deference to one of the other Republican presidential candidates. Trump represented a stunning repudiation of career politicians and a call for a different direction than that of the Obama administration. This election proved our citizens to be more concerned with a vibrant economy than the Democrat’s social ideals and a one-world-government approach that would smother American patriotism.

Leftists shocked over Trump’s election

Can you imagine how totally shocked Democrats were when the election proved the majority of our voters were not fooled by the Left’s tactics to protect Hillary? Politicians and the media underestimated the American voter’s intelligence, but more shocking yet is that they are not yet willing to abide by the election results on November, 2016. Their continual efforts to daily malign, marginalize, and destroy Trump’s presidency, which is joined at the hip by the unprecedented “Resistance” movement likewise conniving to topple the current Administration and President Trump, would border on treasonous behavior at other times in this nation’s history when the rule of law was respected on both sides of the political spectrum.

Laura Hollis, associate professor of teaching, Department of Accountancy at Mendoza College of Business, and concurrent associate professor of law at Notre Dame Law School, wrote this thoughtful article on the subject of why our new President is being unduly harassed, Socialism’s failures and the war on Trump, published on August. 10, 2017. Hollis sets forth an interesting opinion based on the facts surrounding the unprecedented backlash Trump has faced.

I am increasingly of the opinion that the basis for the inflamed, visceral hatred of President Donald Trump in some quarters is neither his occasional vulgarity, nor his propensity to toss out “un-presidential” insults, nor the “misogyny” and “sexism” the left pretends to see in his every word.

Rather, it’s that his presidency has torn the veil off of the left’s inexorable and – until recently – largely obscured march toward a socialist America. Trump has exposed and discredited many of the institutions and mechanisms the left uses to execute its fundamental transformation: the media, the entertainment industry and academia.

Furthermore, he is an unabashed capitalist, a walking manifestation of American achievement through commerce. And for this, they despise him.

Five powerful sources conspire to destroy Trump

In his Opening Monologue on May 16, 2017, Sean Hannity called out the five powerful forces that have aligned to undermine Donald Trump’s presidency:  1) “destroy-Trump propaganda media”; 2)  the “Democrat Party;” 3) the “deep state establishment within the bureaucracy;” 4) “establishment Republicans;” and 5) “NeverTrump-ers.”

There are also Never-Trump-ers entrenched in the NSA, FBI, CIA and State Department, and, although a small minority, they have proved to be less than loyal to our new President and therefore potentially dangerous.  Some within the FBI disregarded their oath of confidentiality and leaked classified information, including private conversations between President Trump and World leaders. Media sources published the classified information, causing patriots to question this treasonous behavior and express concern over why there was little national media outrage over this violation of ethics.

Media sources are quick to criticize our President, yet display no hesitation to show their hypocrisy when they ignore or minimize his accomplishments, including a record breaking high stock market and the lowest unemployment numbers we have seen in many years.  In so doing they not only cause President Trump harm, but our nation as well.  Other country’s leaders and citizens are forming opinions of our President based on our media’s constant negatives and biased articles. How does this benefit our Country?

A recent example of the blatantly biased media can be seen in the aftermath of the Charlottesville, Virginia mayhem on August, September 13, 2017.   The press became unhinged in their effort to criticize Trump’s comments.  Yet, many of us who heard his speech could not understand their outrage, as his remarks were appropriate and confirmed by Virginia officials.  Some tried to blame only one side, but pictures and witnesses proved Trump correct, as both sides participated in the chaos.  Little blame was applied to City officials who did not offer proper supervision and thus allowed the chaos to escalate without any serious intervention.  American citizens are desperate for unbiased reporting.

Butler University in Indianapolis is now offering a class this fall on the anti-Trump protest movement. Met with criticism by members of the community, the University is still determined to offer it.  Look for this to become a new class in colleges throughout the Country.  It would not be unreasonable to predict that the Leftist administrators and professors who dominate our colleges and universities will present the issue from a Leftist viewpoint. Surely there are many taxpayers who oppose the idea of tax payers largely financing these Leftist ideas in government funded schools.

Obama likely involved in “Resistance” –  Enter billionaire George Soros

It is equally “telling” that President Obama has chosen not to honor the American tradition of former Presidents to leave Washington D.C. and return home and avoid politics.  This tradition graciously allows a “smooth transition of power” for the new Administration.  Obama chose to break the tradition. He bought a home down the street from the White House and moved his former consultant, Valerie Jarrod, into his home. These and other facts indicate Obama also appears to be involved in the “Resistance” and most likely a leader within it.

In a report published in August of this year, Jeff Reynold revealed other groups involved in the Trump “Resistance” effort via a 49-page document marked PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL, wherein the entire anti-Trump Soros plan was revealed.  Called Democracy Matters,Strategic Plan For Action, the plan lists four leftist partner organizations, all funded and backed by George Soros.

These organizations include Media Matters, American Bridge 21st Century, CREW, and Shareblue.

Reynold identified the mission of CREW as the most dangerous. If successful it will result in a steady flow of damaging information and continual new revelations, forcing the Trump Administration to defend themselves in Court.  This will then result in the exit of previous powerful Trump supporters.

Fighting back against the left

Does all of the above sound too horrendous to be true?  If we hadn’t already seen evidence of the above happening, it would be easy to dismiss this as just a vicious tale too incredible to be believed; however, we have proof!  We have already witnessed seditious actions by some who have stated and written far more than what our laws would identify as permissible.  In a perfect world these perpetrators would be guilty of treasonous acts.

It is incumbent upon all of us who love America to take action and oppose these detrimental forces, whether a Republican or Democrat, because this unprecedented plot against our President will have serious consequences for all if this treachery is allowed to continue. This is not just about President Trump, it is about the security, strength, and viability of America going forward.  Do not let Leftists win, because if they do succeed, we risk this being a new norm for our future elections.

How and what specifically can “we the people” do to protect our president and nation?

1.  Write your Congressman expressing your strong concerns.

2.  Send a 200 word letter to the editors of newspapers and other media sources in your state

3.  Share your concerns with friends, family, neighbors, organizations, and church leaders

The more who know the facts, the better chance we have of stopping these unAmerican tactics.  Patriots, let’s fight back with logic, facts, and the passion of our forefathers who sacrificed much more to give us this wonderful Country and Constitution.

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By Nancy Thorner  (Photos by Mark Weyermuller)

BOLINGBROOK – Tuesday night, three national conservative personalities – WIND AM 560’s Joe Walsh, Salem Radio’s Hugh Hewitt and’s Guy Benson announced their grades of the Trump presidency thus far.

None of the three were hesitant to give their opinions as to what they thought about Trump’s presidency which has been maligned daily by the mainstream media, the Shadow government, Democrat leaders past and present, organizations funded by billionaire Democrat donor, George Soros and Never Trumpers. All those have been a detriment to Trump’s success, besides members of his own Republican Party that don’t realize that by participating in the on-going concerted effort to destroy Trump and his presidency, they are contributing to what would be the destruction of this nation and the principles upon which this nation was founded.

Joe Walsh’s initial remark to the assembled was greeted enthusiastically:  “She isn’t president anymore!” Not so with Joe’s second remark, which at least caused me to question what surprises might be in store for me:  “We all don’t think the same on everything.”


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I already knew that I was in disagreement with Joe Walsh about Trump’s Afghanistan remarks of the night before (August 22), having heard Walsh state his firm opposition to Trump’s decision to remain in Afghanistan instead of pulling out, while listening to The Joe Walsh Show while driving to the Bolingbrook event.

I was pleased to hear later on in the program that Hugh Hewitt thought Trump’s Afghanistan address was one of the four best speeches he had given so far, rating with the ones in Saudi Arabia, his Joint Address to Congress, and his speech in Warsaw, Poland.  Hewitt went on to call Trump’s Afghanistan speech as Trump’s “Better Angel” moment, specifically because Trump honored all of the military and admitted the difficulty that comes with the job of being president (changing his mind because of threats perceived). Guy Benson elaborated on the aspect of humility and on Trump’s ability to display such humility.

Discussion of the previous weekend’s events in Charlottesville was another divisive topic that engendered controversy regarding the nature of Trump’s Tuesday news conference of August 15  in front of Trump Towers, as Hugh Hewitt and Guy Benson raked Trump over the coals, seeming to take their cues from the Left and further condemning Trump’s rhetoric as “not presidential,” which, I’m sure will continue to be a thorn in the side of both Hewitt and Benson.

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Not so with Joe who rated the combative encounter of Trump and the media as very good. As Joe said, 67% of Republicans liked what Trump said and how he said it, believing that Trump had initially condemned all hate, but that Democrats only see hate on one side — the Republican side.

With the failure of the Republican U.S. Senate and House to pass a Repeal and Replacement of Obamacare, this discussion fostered some rather unorthodox views.  To Hewitt’s credit he did label all 5 healthcare systems in America as broken, but then went on to claim that McCain’s vote, which defeated the Senate’s healthcare bill, was a vendetta against McConnell.  Benson, in turn, blamed the House Freedom Conference for the problems encountered by the House in crafting its bill.

Once again Joe spoke up in his usual no-hold-back way: “If Republicans can’t get something done, we will lose the House.”  In countering Joe’s pessimistic view, Benson said: “Thank God for having Nancy Pelosi as Leader in the U.S House.”  As to the Senate, “We have ten Democrats in the Senate up in 2018 for re-election whose states were won by Donald Trump.”  Not to be outdone, Walsh came back with, “Republicans haven’t done squat!”

The two most shocking revelations of the night were 1) comments by Hewitt and Benson about how they viewed Republican leaders McConnell and Ryan and 2) whether they were supportive of Senator Jeff Flake’s re-election bid in Arizona given his public assault on Trump.

Walsh stated unequivocally that both Ryan and McConnell have been in office way too long and new blood is needed in the House and Senate leadership positions. There will also be no endorsement forthcoming from Joe for Senator Flake.

Not so with Hugh Hewitt who described Mitch McConnell as the “best leader Republicans have had in the Senate for years.”  His support of Mitch seemed to be based solely in that McConnell had saved the Supreme Court by getting Judge Gorsuch confirmed. Benson likewise touted the Gorsuch appointment to the Supreme Court, further noting that it’s difficult to corral the members of the Senate.

As a friend of House Leader Paul Ryan, Benson further expressed the need for Ryan’s institutional expertise to govern. Notwithstanding that Arizona’s Senator Flake has a visceral dislike for Trump and that Senate Leader Mitch McConnell is doing all he can to keep Flake in the Senate with massive funds available to him to spend to keep the status quo in the Senate, both Hewitt and Benson are on the side of Mitch McConnell in their support of Flake, believing that it’s better to keep the seat Republican by eviscerating a Republican challenger, even if the “R” in front of Flake’s name means nothing.

Grades Assigned to Trump by Benson, Hewitt and Walsh

Near the end of the event, Benson, Hugh, and Walsh gave their own letter grade as to how they viewed Trump’s seven months in office and the reason for their grade. Having heard how Benson and Hewitt were less than complimentary in many of their comments, I was surprised by the marks both Benson and Hugh assigned President Trump.

Guy Benson, in averaging all his likes and dislikes, arrived at a “C”.  Benson likes Trump’s conservative cabinet and the appointment of Justice Gorsuch.

Hugh Hewitt assigned Trump a “B”.  Mentioned specifically for not giving Trump a higher grade was Hewitt’s belief that Trump’s Department of Defense is a failure. He said the Secretary of State should have been John Bolton or Nikki Haley.

Joe Walsh assigned the highest mark to Trump, an “A-“, further mentioning all the amazing things going on after the regulatory government of the past administration.

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In Conclusion

Although Joe Walsh makes known his disappointment with President Trump on his weekday radio program, he did express his support for Trump on almost every issue and stood out as the most supportive of Trump.  Joe is honest, blunt, not always politically correct, and you know where he stands. These are the same traits that appeal to Trump supporters and why they remain loyal to him, despite efforts to discredit him.  Hewitt exposed himself as an establishment Republican talk show host, while Guy Benson pegged himself as just another establishment Republican

Voices of dissent could be heard from time to time from those in attendance when displeasing Trump remarks were made, but as is apt to happen when an audience of Republican conservatives and Tea Party members are brought together, they were respectful of the speakers.  However, stunned looks could be seen on the faces of those in attendance as they left the event, still puzzling over some of what Hewitt and Benson had to say.

I also talked to several attendees on the way out of the event who felt the same way about Hugh Hewitt and Guy Benson.

Questions and Answers were entertained, but had to be cut short when Joe Walsh announced that Hugh Hewitt had to leave because because had to be up early the next morning for his radio show.


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By Nancy Thorner – 

Having found Illinois’ Governor Bruce Rauner to be a cliche-ridden, ineffective communicator, his interview by Bret Baier at Chicago’s Fox News studios on Friday, August 11 for Baier’s daily nationally-televised TV show gave credence to my negative evaluation of Rauner.

Friends from California, whose own governor (Jerry Brown) is running the state into the ground through his ineptness and outlandish policies, viewed for themselves the Rauner interview, and appropriately labeled Rauner “extremely incompetent.”


My own response was one of disbelief at Rauner’s responses to questions posed by Mr. Baier. I felt ashamed and embarrassed to have Governor Rauner representing me as the governor of Illinois. After all, Rauner did run as a reform candidate in 2014, with an emphasis on growing jobs, delivering value for taxpayers, giving every child access to world-class schools, and enacting term limits to reform the political system.  As was stated in the Illinois Review: “The interview created a national discussion firestorm, frustrating the state’s political Right and Left, who said Rauner’s responses created more questions than answers for the people of Illinois.”

Responding to Rauner’s money quote in the transcript of Fox News’ interview with Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner   “We make illegal immigration easy and we make legal immigration almost impossible.”

I say, “No, Governor Rauner, we have at least 1.5 million legal immigrants a year when you count the H1-B and other work visas.”

By signing SB31, Rauner will create the leading sanctuary state in the country by abetting illegal immigration. The bill (SB31), referred to as “the Trust Act”, is waiting for Governor Rauner’s signature.  SB31 was introduced by Senate President John Cullerton (D-Chicago) and is intended to curtail all federal immigration powers to detain and deport illegal aliens even in the event that they are convicted of a crime.

Democratic Party Originated as Party of Slavery

Hasn’t the Democrat Party been associated with the party of slavery from early on in this nation’s history? After a lifetime of luxury from the labor of slaves, a founder of the Democrat Party, Thomas Jefferson, refused to free his slaves even upon his death, although admirers offered to buy them from him.

Andrew Jackson, who became the seventh president of the United States, was a wealthy slave owner and infamous Indian killer, gaining the nickname ‘Sharp Knife’ from the Cherokee, because of his brutal military campaigns against Indians.  Andrew Jackson was not only a genocidal maniac against the Indigenous Peoples of the southwest, he was also racist against African peoples.

From Jim Crow, to the oppressed immigrants in the big cities, to the Great Society and forced unionization, the Democrats have always loved to boss people around, while living like overlords from their labor and taxes. This is the reason Democrats fight so hard against medical and education vouchers.  They don’t really care about the people they claim to serve; they only want to keep their power over them.

About Modern Day Slavery?

Nothing describes modern day slavery better than that of illegal immigration.  Although I was born and raised in Pennsylvania, I do remember hearing about the old South when blacks had to step out of the way of whites on sidewalks and where blacks couldn’t drink from the same water fountains or be served at counter in restaurants.

Today illegal immigrants are exploited by criminals, landlords, the police, and their employers, but most of all by the Democrat Party. Through wide-spread illegal immigrant voting, Democrats have become recipients of more electoral votes and an increased number of legislative districts.  Most of all, Illegal immigrants have broken down the rule of law in this country.  When close to 10% of our population is openly flouting the law, why should we be surprised when many feel it unnecessary to obey any law?

The solution to the illegal immigration problem is not what was foolishly granted in 1986, amnesty.  Reagan’s greatest mistake led to a mushrooming of illegal immigration and the destruction of the Republican Party in states like California, where low skilled, functionally illiterate immigrants were encouraged by Democrats to vote for more welfare, rather than to achieve dignity and self-worth by working hard, saving, and getting educated, as immigrants were required to do in the past to get ahead.

Amnesty Creates Problems

The greatest problem, by far, with amnesty is with the countries that send us illegal immigrants.  Back in 1953, South Korea was a wrecked country that barely had enough to eat.  In contrast, Mexico was well off in 1953 compared to the rest of the world.  Today South Korea, despite spending far more on defense than Mexico, is a rich, well-educated country, while Mexico has turned into a third world sewer of corruption, violence and economic despair, with an education system near the bottom.  Socialism has killed Mexico, but it hobbles along as its workers send money home, subsidized by American taxpayers through all sorts of welfare programs.

Accordingly, illegal immigration has done more to ruin Mexico than anything this nation has ever done. Mexican illegals would be far better off if half of them went home and the other half had legal rights as temporary guest workers with no right of citizenship.  Mexico would then be forced to reform.  By so doing so our economy would be liberated, which would also aid in pulling Mexico’s economy out of the rut.  Brought to an end would be the constant cycle of exploitative immigration that does neither country any good.

Europe has a similar problem where illegal immigrants are failing to become assimilated.  By sending their welfare money home, more “refugees” and immigrant are being lured into Europe who are likewise unable to fit in. Their home countries get further and further behind, because essential cultural problems never get solved.

We don’t need immigrants to change our country into their image.  It would be better to send “missionaries” to serve in other countries to change them to our ways.  This happened with Japan and South Korea.

Klan Members Become Role Models in Democratic Party

It was easy for the late Robert Byrd to go from being a Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops of the Klan to a “role model” for the Clintons and all the other socialists of the Democrat Party.  But to really care about the people of the world, a Lincoln-like figure is mandated to fight those who exploit others and then claim it is good for society and for those they exploit.

Instead of fighting back against the media and those who are exploiting cheap labor, Governor Rauner and other establishment Republicans have decided to pander to the media and those exploiting cheap labor.  But as Trump proved and Lincoln before him, it’s possible to be right on the issue and still win at the ballot box.

It’s time we end all illegal immigration and cut back our legal immigration to those who can speak English and benefit our economy, just as is done in Canada and Australia.


By Nancy Thorner – 

Culturally, this nation seems to be in the midst of a transgender craze, which is resulting in an increase of child abuse among parents who think that ideological agenda is a way of life for their small children,  It was only four years ago when the Supreme Court paved the way for gay marriage. Having won this big fight, the mainstream media began to question what would be next for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender movement.

Wilson Cruz, an LGBT activist, told CNN at the time:  “I really do believe [the Supreme Court ruling] is the domino that is going to tip over the rest of the dominoes.  Do not get in the way of this train, because it will run you over.”

Billionaire George Soros, to ensure things ran full-steam ahead dedicated at least $2.7 million to the cause that year, according to his tax returns, through his Foundation to Promote Open Society.

The breakdown of American social norms is advancing at a lightning pace. The transgender lobby is out to drastically alter our society.  If a person shows even the slightest hesitation to embrace their cause, they are called a hateful bigot.  Not only are adults being told this, but school children are being taught the same.

Parents are likewise receiving guidance from Planned Parenthood and other liberal bastions on how to talk to preschoolers about transgenderism and masturbation, as if at the tender age of three a child needs to know about transgenderism and masturbation.

Following is some advice from the guidelines of Planned Parenthood as reported in the Daily Wire:

“Be mindful of how you talk around your kid, too. Talking to (or in front of) your daughter about growing up and having boyfriends or marrying a man (and vice versa) sends the message that girls are supposed to like boys, and boys are supposed to like girls, and that anything else is wrong or not normal. While kids this young don’t know their sexual orientation yet, assuming they’re straight could make them scared to come to you or feel bad about themselves later. This can lead to mental health issues, unhealthy relationships, and taking more health risks when they reach their teenage years.”

Planned Parenthood also provides a litmus test for determining whether or not your child is transgender.  If your child is “Consistent, Insistent and Persistent” with the idea that he or she was born the wrong gender, you have no choice but to run with it.

Transgender propaganda impacting society

Michelle Cretella, M.D., president of the American College of Pediatricians, a national organization of pediatricians and other health care professionals dedicated to the health and well-being of children, wrote an article for The Daily Signal  in which she explained the effects of the transgender mania on children and the impact on her career.  As stated in Dr. Cretella’s article:

“Parents are agreeing to have their children receive medication that could sterilize them for the rest of their lives, and some of these children are not even ten years old.  Parents are brainwashing their malleable children with transgender propaganda until they eventually believe it. Once they believe it, the parents are free to convince the child of participating in self-destructive behavior such as the use of puberty blockers.”

As to why doctors are bowing to transgender demands: The Left will stand outside clinics holding signs inferring that doctors who don’t support their views are “transphobic”. Fearful of losing their jobs if clinics are closed down, doctors are not fighting back.

Over the span of twelve years, nine years as a member of the board of the American College of Pediatricians and the last three years as its president, Dr. Cretella has witnessed what has now become the new normal.

  • Pediatric “gender clinics” are considered elite centers for affirming children who are distressed by their biological sex. This distressful condition, once dubbed gender identity disorder, was renamed “gender dysphoria” in 2013.
  • In 2014, there were 24 of these gender clinics, clustered chiefly along the east coast and in California. One year later, there were 40 across the nation.
  • With 215 pediatric residency programs now training future pediatricians in a transition-affirming protocol and treating gender-dysphoric children accordingly, gender clinics are bound to proliferate further.
  • Last summer, the federal government stated that it would not require Medicare and Medicaid to cover transition-affirming procedures for children or adults, because medical experts at the Department of Health and Human Services found the risks were often too high and the benefits too unclear.  Undeterred by these findings, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health has pressed ahead, claiming—without any evidence—that these procedures are “safe.”
  • Two leading pediatric associations—the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Pediatric Endocrine Society—have followed in lockstep, endorsing the transition affirmation approach even as the latter organization concedes within its own guidelines that the transition-affirming protocol is based on low evidence.”

According to the transition-affirming protocol, parents are told to treat their children as the gender they desire and to place them on puberty blockers around age 11 or 12 if gender dysphoric. By age 16 if children still insist they are trapped in the wrong body, they are to be place on cross-sex hormones and biological girls may obtain a double mastectomy.

Scientific research and facts disprove transgender narrative

The transgender movement has gained legs in the medical community and in our culture by offering a deeply flawed narrative.  According to  Dr. Cretalla, scientific research and facts tell a different story.

1. Twin studies prove no one is born “trapped in the body of the wrong sex.”

2. Gender identity is malleable, especially in young children.

3. Puberty blockers for gender dysphoria have not been proven safe.

4. There are no cases in the scientific literature of gender-dysphoric children discontinuing blockers.

5. Cross-sex hormones are associated with dangerous health risks.

6. Neuroscience shows that adolescents lack the adult capacity needed for risk assessment

7. There is no proof that affirmation prevents suicide in children.

8. Transition-affirming protocol has not solved the problem of transgender suicide.

Walt Heyer, an accomplished author and public speaker with a passion for mentoring individuals whose lives have been torn apart by unnecessary gender-change surgery, writes how children are encouraged, affirmed and assisted in “coming out” by their parents and the LGBTQ lobby as transgendered without one word about the consequences of the dangerous game of “gender make-believe.”   Such parental affirmation gives young people false hope that they can really become a different gender, a lie even if told with compassionate motives.

According to Mr. Heyer:

For a vulnerable young person, pursuing a dream that is physically impossible to achieve can lead to depression and suicide. The prevalence of suicide attempts among transgender or gender non-conforming youth is 45 percent, according to a 2014 report by the Williams Institute, University of California at Los Angeles School of Law and the American Foundation of Suicide Prevention.  Moreover, doctors themselves admit they cannot tell who the “real” long-term gender dysphoric children are, whether a gender dysphoric child will feel the same way years later

Transgenderism is not a civil right

As Linda Harvey, speaker and author and founder of Mission America (, a Christian pro-family organization tracking current cultural issues, noted in her article of July 19, 2017, Dirty 2 Dozen GOP Reps Bow to “Trans’ Demands, “Peddling  sexual deviance to children and calling it a “civil right” is a gross distortion of American liberty and amounts to child corruption.”

Harvey continues:
“It is true that a few courts have interpreted existing law to give a green light to schoolgirls who want entry to boys’ restrooms, but this is an exception.  There is no “Federal law requires you to call boys who wear skirts by girl pronouns.”
Meanwhile, in July of this year New Jersey Gov. Chris Christiesigned a bill directing public schools to allow transgender students to use the restrooms and other facilities which correspond to their gender identity, which has many people wondering why the Republican Christie signed the Democrat-sponsored bill.
This fall. the Minnesota Department of Education will be providing schools, public and charter, with the “tools” to support transgender and gender-nonconforming students.
Does danger loom ahead?
Trump’s Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, balked several months ago when asked to rescind Obama’s unlawful 2016 Title IX bathroom order that boys had a right to shower with girls at school.  DeVos had to be ordered by Trump and Jeff Sessions to cooperate.
Secretary DeVos, who has become known as an avid supporter of homosexual/gender rebellion lifestyles, should be removed. She also hired Candice Jackson, an open lesbian, to head the DOE’s Office of Civil Rights. A memorandum recently written by Candice Jackson indicates that schools must look out for the “rights” of transgender students and go along with the chosen pronouns of a gender-confused student or else face a possible federal investigation.
There is some good news. Congress is considering a bill to limit the rush to redefine gender in federal law. Recently introduced, H.R. 2796 would continue to define “male” to mean biological male, and females likewise, under existing law.  Contact your congressional representative to support H.R. 2796.
As Dr. Cretella recently explained about medical outcomes that will result from our culture’s rush to embrace transgender change as normal.
“Today’s institutions that promote transition affirmation are pushing children to impersonate the opposite sex, sending many of them down the path of puberty blockers, sterilization, the removal of healthy body parts, and untold psychological damage. These harms constitute nothing less than institutionalized child abuse.”

Part 1 published Wednesday, Aug. 2, 2017: