Lake County Republican Federation 49th Annual Spring Gala features Reince Priebus, RNCC

May 25, 2011

The Lake County Republican Federation, Alexander D. Stuart, President, held its 49th Annual Spring Gala on Friday, May 20, at the Lincolnshire Marriott Resort, with a 5:30 p.m. Reception in the Grand Marquee Tent, followed by Dinner at 7:00 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom.  Featured Keynote Speaker was Reince Priebus, Republican National Committee Chairman.

Chelsea Stanley, Executive Director of the Lake County Republican Federation, estimated attendance  in the range of 500 to 520.

President Alexander Stuart called the 49th Annual Spring Gala to order.  Jim Newton, County Board Commissioner, District 3, led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Sally Coffelt, a Lake County Circuit Court Clerk, displayed her vocal talent with the singing of God Bless America.” 

Immediately following God Bless America was the Invocation by Daniel B. Shanes, Circuit Court Judge, 19th Judicial Circuit. 

A deviation from the printed program was necessary in order to accommodate the tight schedule of  Keynote Speaker Reince Priebus.   After introductions were made by Alexander Stewart, Mr. Priebus spoke while dinner was being served so he could head off to his next event.

About Reince Priebus:  As was indicated by Alexander Steward, Reince Priebus raised more money in the first quarter of this year than during the previous election cycle. 

Reince Priebus was elected Chairman of the Republican National Committee on January 14th.  As stated in the Federation program:  “Reince has pledged to unite the Republican Party behind a solid business plan to restore faith in Republican donors and communicate to the American public to reach our common goal — electing Republicans.”

Prior to his national appointment, Rience Priebus was chairman of the Republican Party of Wisconsin where he created the framework that brought about an historic election cycle that included winning the Governor’s office and taking back both the state Assembly and the state Senate. 

Priebus’s first comment of the night was to express gratefulness for being involved in a party that prays.  Continuing, Priebus didn’t mince words when noting that Barack Obama must be a one term president, because he is changing America as we know it today and destroying its future possibilities.

Mr. Priebus informed those present that similar events held across this nation will play a crucial role in electing a Republican president in 2012. 

President Obama was called a gifted politician, with a reminder that good speeches do not create jobs, nor do winning debates translate into a positive future.

Obama promises many things when addressing the public, but the results that follow do not match his rhetoric. Obama insists that spending must be reduced, but at the same time this nation is borrowing $4-1/2 billion every day to pay its bills; 43 cents is borrowed of every dollar spent, non-defense discretionary spending has increased 80%; our national debt, if the current trajectory is allowed to continue, will equal twice that of our total economy by 2040; and Medicare will go broke in 9 years.

Being of Greek ancestry, Reince Priebus indicated that half of his family still lives in Greece, which prompted Priebus to compare how living in America almost feels like living in Greece because of this nation’s similar and current course toward bankruptcy.

Although facts seem to place blame for the current economic debacle on political and legislative transgressions, also to be reckoned with, according to Mr. Priebus, is the gradual loss of freedom, opportunity, and self-determination that most Americans take for granted as their birth right.

As explained by Mr. Priebus, the role of the federal government is to create opportunity.  In past generations there was an unspoken compact that children would fare better than their parents, but this compact has been broken for future generations.  Why?  Because Obama just doesn’t get it.  He is only too willing to sacrifice the future of American for his short term gains. 

President Obama promised that unemployment would go down to 8% and that the deficit would be cut in half by the end of his first term.  Instead, 2.6 million jobs have been lost since Obama took office and more debt was accumulated on Obama’s watch than the combined debt of all president that preceded him.  This year’s proposed budget would create the biggest deficit in the history of America. 

Reince Priebus believes that Obama can be defeated one voice and one voter at a time.  It will not be enough to simply talk about Republican principles.  Of greater importance will be how Republicans act and interact with one another.  The following points were stressed: 

There must be less takers and more makers.   There must be more people driving the wagon  than riding the wagon.  Candidates, upon being elected, must govern how they campaigned when running for office.

In speaking about his position as Chairman, Reince Priebus said the job was not suited for one with a big ego as the chairmanship position is all about promoting someone else.  Priebus said he ran for chairmanship for the same reason all of us were here tonight, because of our concerns over our country’s future. 

Reince Priebus called 2012 the most important election of our lifetime.  He equated it to the battle for freedom fought by our Founding Fathers  In keeping with the same spirit, Priebus related how the Republican Party was likewise established in 1854. 

In conclusion, Priebus stressed that it was love of country that brought us all together to attend the 49th Annual Federation event at the Lincolnshire Marriott Resort.  Also the belief that only by defeating Barack Obama will our nation be saved and the Republican Party.  This will take a massive army of boots on the ground.

In the absence of Robert Cook, Chairman, Lake County Republican Central Committee, because of a family emergency, Larry Falbe, Vice-Preseident, Lake County Republican Federation, acknowledged the elected officials and candidates present.

U.S. Congressmen Joe Walsh, 10th District, and Bob Dold, 8th District, were given the opportunity to speak about their experiences as newly elected congressmen from Illinois.

Following their presentations, Larry Falbe presented Antonietta Simonian, former Executive Director of the Lake County Republican Federation, with the Bob Milton Award.

The 49th Annual Spring Gala of the Lake County Republican Federation concluded with closing remarks and then adjournment by President Alexander D. Stuart.

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